General project: research and development of mechanical equipment; Sales of mechanical equipment; Sales of specialized equipment for feed production; Sales of specialized equipment for agricultural and sideline food processing; Agricultural machinery sales; Sales of painting equipment; Sales of specialized equipment for plastic processing; Sales of paper products; Sales of pulp and paper making specialized equipment; Sales of washing machinery; Sales of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; Sales of specialized environmental protection equipment; Market management services; Sales of mining machinery; Technical services, development, consultation, exchange, transfer, and promotion; Manufacturing of specialized equipment for feed production; Special equipment manufacturing (excluding licensed professional equipment manufacturing); Manufacturing of specialized equipment for agricultural and sideline food processing; Agricultural machinery manufacturing; Painting equipment manufacturing; Manufacturing of specialized equipment for plastic processing; Paper product manufacturing; Manufacturing of specialized equipment for pulp and paper making; Manufacturing of washing machinery; Manufacturing of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; Manufacturing of specialized equipment for environmental protection; Mining machinery manufacturing; Processing of Machine element and spare parts; Sales of Machine element and spare parts. (Except for projects that require approval in accordance with the law, business activities can be carried out independently based on the business license in accordance with the law) Licensed project: Road freight transportation (excluding dangerous goods). Projects that require approval according to law can only be operated with the approval of relevant departments. The specific business projects shall be subject to the approval documents or permits issued by relevant departments.